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Peel the Layers

Peel the layers

The inspiration from this topic came from Rumi’s quote “show me anger and I will show you hurt. Show me hurt and I will show you love. Peel the layers if you care”.

Such a wonderful thought - “peel the layers”. Lot of psychology is based on this too and lot of inner work gurus do is to get away from the layers and identify the core.

I had a spiritual experience yesterday in something as simple as fireworks. Though they were the biggest firework happening this year (2021) in Nashville. First few minutes were ‘normal’. We all were in awe and appreciated it and thought they ended. But fireworks continued. So the next few minutes for me were to burst away all negativities - criticism, judgement, too much advising, body shaming etc. and I thought the fireworks were over.

But it continued! So next time was to bring in all the positivity. Blessings, showers of grace, gratitude, happiness, achievement, family …the list goes on on all. All bursting with energy! And the fireworks were over.

Not yet. So next phase we are done with both positive and negative. So only Krushna (God) remains. And the next set was all forms of Him. Everywhere. Omnipresent. Omnipotent. Omniscient.

The fireworks still continued. Now we are down to nothing. Just energy. Bubbling and vibrant. Untainted. Pure.

The fireworks show helped me peel the layers. Next time I feel an emotion, I am going to go deep into what led it and what is the layer behind it.

How have you been peeling the layers?

Layer after layer

Needs to be peeled

To get to the essence

A new discovery

With each layer

The journey is long

And tedious

But worth it


The thought of this topic came from a Qigong exercise. It’s like a breast stroke move. The intention behind it is ‘Clearing the Clouds’ implies moving with purpose towards your goal. It also implies clearing the fog, the doubt and the fear in our minds.

I find this concept quite strong. I feel we all face decisions every day. I also feel our decision making is quicker and clearer in some cases vs others. I believe I am a good decision maker. I can choose my food, my car and my time quite nicely. However when it comes to picking out what to wear, I flounder. I can choose something to wear before I go to shower (which process took 10 min) and as I come out I want to wear something different! I guess the sun is not yet out to clear these clouds!

Clearing the clouds takes time and intent. I think it works best when we are clear about our purpose. In the case we had to make a decision about which car to buy. My intent was clear. I wanted a safer car with a good sound system to help listen to discourses at certain budget. I guess once we figure out our “non-negotiables” as my friend Sophy calls it, decision making is simpler.

I feel a big relief when the clouds clear and decision is made. Other than picking clothes, I believe once you make a decision don’t change it and don’t regret it. Live with it, atleast for a bit. I generally use 90 as a guiding number. 90 days to live with a decision. I believe living with the decision helps strengthen our will as also our trust in our own abilities to make decisions and live with them. However post certain time; we should check the decision with long term purpose and intent. To site an example, I had taken a job with the idea that I will learn how to manage a business. On day 3, my stomach churned as I realized it was not for me. I still stuck to it for 90 days and at day 120 I got a hang of it. I eventually excelled at it. However it still didn’t align with my long-term purpose of being centered. Post 2 years, I pushed to do something different. Thankfully it all worked out. The clouds are now clear and I know where and where not to focus my energy!

In case of picking my clothes, I am not clear on my purpose and intent. Rather, I have conflicting intents – some driven by ego. I want to be comfortable and look good; be centered and be chic. I guess, overtime I have to clear the clouds on this one too.

The sky is dark

Cloudy and gloomy

A gray day

It doesn’t rain

And it isn’t bright

A blue day

A sudden ray

And light all around

A changed day

He cleared the clouds

And made space

For the sun

The thought was inspired by Swami Yogananda. The message was very timely. My work has been pretty stressful. Thankfully we had a nice vacation planned to Puerto Rico. As I grabbed something to read, I took this pamphlet with the message “Worry Free diet”.

The message is quite simple. As we focus on different diets to reduce weight or gain energy – protein diet, no-carb diet, liquid diet etc, this message is to have a ‘worry free’ diet. Swamiji askes us to do that atleast once a day starting with 30min and during that time, let no worries bother us. No health worries, no work worries, no children’s concerns – simplify a worry free diet.

I tried it and its absolutely wonderful. I didn’t realize how much time I knowingly or unknowingly spent worrying specially about minor things – how will this presentation be received? Will I be able to pick little one on time from daycare? What will the doctor say about this pain? But those 30 min, I have to make a conscious effort and practice to not worry. It feels good. The mind suddenly learns to enjoy the worry- free time! For me, my vacation further helped inculcating it. Now, I have to work on living it daily!

Will you join me in my worry free diet?

No stress

No concerns

No fears

I am on a “Worry-free” diet

This moment

Suddenly alive

Feeling the warmth

Of motherly sea

She kissed my hands

And took my worries

She showered me

With a gift of calm

The "Worry-free" diet

And the bliss of peace

Accepting and enjoying

Life’s gifts

This thought was inspired from a rerun of Oprah Winfrey’s show. She was interviewing 3 young adults each addicted to plastic surgeries. The young woman, 28 years old, has had 23 plastic surgeries! A few nose jobs, lifting cheeks, liposuction of tummy, thighs, hands, and brow lift etc. Funnily she was pretty even before she got all the surgeries. Honestly she looked artificial – like a Barbie doll. She still didn’t like her reflection in the mirror. Hence the thought, “Love thy neighbor but first love yourself”.

The common theme amongst all those women addicted to plastic surgeries was exactly this – they kept seeing imperfections in their reflection. They were not able to accept their own selves. They were willing to go through the pain of surgery and recovery with the illusion that this one would get them back to being ‘ok’ with oneself.

It was quite surprising and sad. I took for granted that everyone loves at least their ownself. It’s easier, in my opinion, to love others and love thy neighbors if we start with ourselves. As Zoe Kravitz says “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.

Most scriptures and saints talk about feeling the love for everybody as a stage of enlightenment. First you love yourself, then your neighbors, then the community, then the city, then the nation, and then the world…slowly your love expands to everybody!

I do believe loving yourself is important. Imagine else, we would be spending all our time doubting and criticizing ourselves. The caution is not to become a narcissist. The caution is also to have deep humility. Everything needs to be balanced!

In conclusion, I feel the first step is to love yourself. Let me not be fooled by my image or reflection and get into the tireless endeavor to perfect it. I will start with acceptance. One of these days, with deep humility, I hope to evolve to loving thy neighbor!

My reflection

Laughs at me

What have I done!

In the desire

To look good

I lost myself

I start again

With acceptance

I love me

I really love me

For what I am

With deep humility

I start

This journey

To expand my love

…to you

….to everybody

Searching and bowing

To the God

Within us


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